Version 6 of WinLoG RT has just been released. This new version has many new and enhanced features as well as new purchasing and subscription options. The upgrade is included in the annual maintenance and is free to users with a current annual maintenance agreement.
WinLoG RT can be used to quickly and easily create, edit and print boring and well logs for a variety of industries. It can be used on tablets, laptops and desktops that have the Windows operating system. The user interface has been specifically designed to make data collection easier on tablets and laptops.
Boring, borehole and well logs can contain optional headers and footers and a large variety of depth related column data. Templates are used to control the layout and formatting of the log. The program comes with more than 50 pre-designed templates depending upon the industry. Each template consists of a header, footer, and several columns. Templates can be customized to display different header and footer titles, number and type of columns, and fonts.
WinLoG RT can be used separately or as a field extension of the WinLoG/GaeaSynergy application. All of the data is stored on the local device and the logs can be printed directly from the local device. WinLoG RT can be used completely independently of WinLoG and does not require any other software.When used in conjunction with the network version of WinLoG/GaeaSynergy, WinLoG RT can act as a remote data collection device for boring and well data. The data collected in the field can be sent to the network as an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) file. In addition, boring and well creation tasks can be automatically sent to personnel using WinLoG RT.
WinLoG and WinLoG RT are used to improve and standardize data collection, management, and reporting in an efficient and cost-effective manner. This is accomplished by implementing a documented, auditable process for the collection, storage, and reporting of boring and well data.
New Features
Some of the new features in versions 5 and 6 include:
- Licenses can be perpetual or annual subscription based.
- Licenses can be purchased and registered in WinLoG RT.
- After purchase, licenses can be immediately added and used in WinLoG RT.
- Annual maintenance can be purchased and renewed as a subscription.
- Industries no longer apply, this version now has the features of all the industries.
- Instead of specifying depths they can be picked on the borehole/well logs for lithology, text, text interval, USCS, and formation tops columns.
- A USCS calculator can be used to determine the USCS classification in USCS and lithology columns in borehole/well logs.
- Munsell colors can be specified for lithologies and samples.
- Continuous well logs can be exported to a PDF file as a continuous page.
- Divider lines in lithologic columns of borehole/well logs can be extended to better show contact depths when descriptions are pushed down.
Pricing and Ordering
In version 6 licenses can be either perpetual or subscription. Below is a table showing the prices in Canadian dollars. To purchase a license click on the button beside it.
Perpetual Licenses | |||
Single User License | $1295 |
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Additional License | $1025 |
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Subscription Licenses | |||
Annual Subscription License | $600 |
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