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WinLoG and WinLoG Field Assistant can be used to improve and standardize environmental data collection, management, and reporting in an efficient and cost-effective manner. This is accomplished by implementing a documented process for the collection, storage, and reporting of boring and well data.  


The data collected in the field can be sent to the network data manager via FTP. The network data manager service will automatically download and merge the data with the main database. To use WinLoG Field Assistant a network version of WinLoG/GaeaSynergy is also required.


This boring and well creation process can be divided into three stages. This process can be divided between WinLoG Field Assistant and GaeaSynergy/WinLoG.


1. Scheduling and planning


The first stage in any field program is the scheduling and planning of boring and well creation events. GaeaSynergy/WinLoG allows project managers to design, delegate, and monitor these events. Notification of these events can be automatically sent to  personnel as email or SMS (text) messages.


2. Data Collection


Detailed boring and well information can be recorded in the field on an Android tablet using WinLoG Field Assistant. Boring and well data collected using WinLoG Field Assistant is uploaded to an FTP site, where the network data manager service will automatically download it and add it to the main database on the network.


3. Reporting


Boring and well data can be reported on a variety of logs using WinLoG or WinLoG Field Assistant. These logs can be easily customized to meet internal and external needs. In addition, boring and well data is fully integrated and available for use by other modules within GaeaSynergy.



Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)


Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) files are used to exchange data between the GaeaSynergy/WinLoG and WinLoG Field Assistant. To use this feature the network version of GaeaSynergy/WinLoG must be installed and the GaeaSynergy Network Data Manager service running on the main network server.


All EDI files are transferred via an FTP site. The settings for the FTP site are specified in Settings.The FTP site can be provided by the customer or by GAEA Technologies.


EDI Type



Project Task Data


WinLoG Field Assistant

Template Data


WinLoG Field Assistant

Lithology Library Data


WinLoG Field Assistant

Lithology Macro Data


WinLoG Field Assistant

Lookup Lists


WinLoG Field Assistant

Project Data

WinLoG Field Assistant


Boring Data

WinLoG Field Assistant


Image Data

WinLoG Field Assistant






When using the network version of GaeaSynergy, notifications can be sent throughout the work process. These notifications can only be setup in tasks and can only be used when tasks are used to control the work flow.




Boring/Well required


Boring/Well completed

WinLoG Field Assistant

Boring/Well not completed



Notifications can be sent via email or SMS (text message). When being sent using email the email address specified for the personnel is used, If they are being notified using SMS the cell number and country code for the personnel is used.