File Entry of Registration Codes

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File Entry of Registration Codes

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The serial number can be exported to a file and emailed to GAEA. After the file has been processed a registration file will be emailed back from GAEA. This registration file can then be imported and the registration code saved. To export the serial number file, select the Pollute module on the License Manager form and then click on the Export button on the toolbar of the form. The Export Serial Number form will be displayed where you can enter the invoice number and your contact details. After you enter the information you can either email the file directly to GAEA by clicking on the Email button or save it to your disk and email it yourself by clicking on the Save button.




After the file has been received and processed by GAEA you will receive a registration file back by email. When you receive this file save it to your hard drive. To import the file click on the Import button on the License Manager form and the Import Registration form will be displayed. Select the file you saved using the Browse button on the form and the registration codes will be imported and saved by the program when the Store Codes button is pressed.

