WinLoG Version 3 Template Exchange File

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WinLoG Version 3 Template Exchange File

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Before the WinLoG version 3 template exchange files can be imported into GaeaSynergy they must first be exported from WinLoG as exchange files. For information on how to export the template as an exchange file see the WinLoG User's Guide.


When importing a template no project can be currently be opened. To import a WinLoG version 3 template exchange file into a project select File > Import > WinLoG, WinFence, and WinSieve Data > Templates > WinLoG version 3 Template. The import file form will be displayed. This form can be used to select the exchange file to import. After the file has been imported, the template will be opened. If the name of the template starts with "Environmental", "Geotechnical", "Mining" or "Oil" this word will be used to set the industry for the template. If the next word in the name is "Letter", "Legal", "A3", or "A4" this word will be used to set the page size of the template. After the template has been imported it will be opened.

