<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Annotations |
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The Annotations tab is used to enter the text describing the well completion details and other information.
(The appearance of the form will differ slightly depending on if it is WinLoG or WinLoG RT)
The following information can be edited using this tab:
Text: This is the text to use for annotation.
Start Depth: This is the starting depth to display the text, the text will be positioned below this start depth. If the start depth is zero and the symbol type is not a double arrow, the start depth will be ignored and the end depth will be used to position the text.
End Depth: This is the end depth to use for displaying the text. The text will be positioned above this depth. If the end depth is zero and the symbol type is not a double arrow, the end depth will be ignored and the start depth will be used to position the text.
Text Offset: This is the offset to place the text from the center of the hole. The sign of the offset is ignored, and the Side is used to determine which side of the hole to place the text. In order for the text to appear outside of the well components, the text offset must be greater than the hole radius.
Offset: This is the offset used to position the start of the arrow or circle inside of the well components. Offsets to the left are negative and offsets to the right are positive. In order for the arrow or circle that leads to the text to start in the well components, the offset must be less than the hole radius.
Side: This is the side of the hole to place the text. When the cursor is clicked inside of this column, a combo box will be displayed, and either the left or right side can be selected.
Orientation: This is the orientation of the text. When the cursor is clicked inside of this column, a combo box will be displayed and the orientation can be set to either horizontal or vertical.
Symbol: This is the symbol to use to draw the text leaders. When the cursor is clicked inside this column, the Annotation Symbol form will be displayed. This form can be used to select the symbol type, symbol size, and line style. If the symbol type is Double Arrow and the text orientation is horizontal, the double arrows will not be drawn.
The buttons at the bottom of this tab are used for the following:
•The Start button moves to the first annotation.
•The Previous button moves to the previous annotation.
•The Next button moves to the next annotation.
•The End button moves to the last annotation.
•The Insert button creates a new annotation.
•The Delete button deletes this annotation.