Triaxial - Consolidated Undrained

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Triaxial - Consolidated Undrained

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Triaxial compression testing is commonly used to simulate the stress conditions of soils as a function of confining pressure. This test method determines the strength and stress-strain relationships of either intact, reconstituted, or remolded cohesive cylindrical soil specimens. The soil specimen is isotropically consolidated and sheared in compression without drainage at a constant rate of axial deformation.


Data entry and calculations for this test are performed on the CU Triaxial form described in the next section. After the data and calculations have been performed the results are displayed in a test report as described in the reporting section below. The format of this report is controlled by the geotechnical template used for the test.


The methodology and calculations for this test adhere to "ASTM D4767-11 Standard Test Method for Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression Test for Cohesive Soils". For more detailed information on the methodology and calculations please review this standard.