Internet Tab

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Internet Tab

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The Internet tab is used to specify the incoming and outgoing email settings for Internet access.




The following can be specified on this tab:


Outgoing Email Settings


Host: This is mail server for outgoing emails.


Port: This is the port for the outgoing server.


Use TLS/SSL: Check this box if the outgoing server requires TLS/SSL.


Username: This is the username for the outgoing server.


Password: This is the password for the outgoing server.


Test Settings: Click this button to test the settings for outgoing email.



Incoming Email Settings


Host: This is mail server for incoming emails.


Port: This is the port for the incoming server.


Use TLS/SSL: Check this box if the incoming server requires TLS/SSL.


Username: This is the username for the incoming server.


Password: This is the password for the incoming server.


Test Settings: Click this button to test the settings for incoming email.